Holland Heritage delivers expert heritage advice to public, private and third sector clients.
Holland Heritage delivers expert heritage advice to public, private and third sector clients.
Holland Heritage delivers expert heritage advice to public, private and third sector clients.
Specialist Heritage Advice provided on:
- Historic Buildings
- Ancient Monuments
- Historic Parks and Gardens
- Conservation Areas
- Historic Collections and Archives
Specialist reports include:
- Heritage Impact Assessments
- Statements of Significance
- Assessments of Capacity for Change
- Conservation Management Plans
- Conservation Area Appraisals
- Options Appraisals
- Project Viability Assessments
- Historic Building Recording
Clients include:
- Private Owners
- Commercial Owners and Developers
- Churches
- Charitable / Community Groups
- Local Authorities
“Edward Holland is both extremely knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with historic buildings, and also extremely diplomatic with lay people, politicians, funders etc. His experience in regeneration projects is invaluable in knowing how to move a project forward, and what is likely to work, and what not.”
Judy Cliffe, Milton Rooms Charitable Trust
Edward Holland is the Director of Holland Heritage, a heritage consultancy based in south-east Wales. Edward is a full member of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. He has over 30 years of heritage experience at a senior level in Cadw, the National Trust, Monmouthshire County Council and The Prince’s Regeneration Trust. During this time he has advised Cadw on the statutory listing of all building types across Wales; he has been the Curator responsible for the National Trust’s North Wales properties; as the Conservation Manager for Monmouthshire County Council he made it the first local authority to achieve delegation from Cadw to grant listed building consents. At The Prince’s Regeneration Trust he had responsibility for community heritage projects throughout the U.K.
He has written specialist conservation reports for heritage projects including listed buildings, conservation areas, scheduled monuments, registered historic gardens and World Heritage Sites. Edward is experienced at advising on historic churches and is a member of the Roman Catholic Historic Churches Committee for Wales and Herefordshire. He is a Trustee of The Georgian Group and Vice-President of the Village Alive Trust. Edward has published a number of articles and authored several specialist guidance notes and handbooks including Cadw’s Best Practice Guide to ‘Converting Historic Farm Buildings in Wales’ and was a key contributor to the Green Guide for the Historic Buildings, published by The Prince’s Regeneration Trust.
Edward Holland has over 30 years’ experience of heritage work in central and local government, and in major heritage conservation charities. His expertise covers building conservation, regeneration, cultural heritage and curation of historic collections.
Old War Office, Whitehall, London
Conservation Management Plan
Nelson Garden, Monmouth
Project Management of Heritage Lottery funded project
Stroudwater Navigation, Gloucestershire
Statement of Significance of canal and its archives
Castles and Town Walls of King Edward in Gwynedd
World Heritage Site Management Plan
Old Probate Office, Llandaff, Cardiff
Level 3 Historic Building Recording
Haverfordwest Castle and the Pembrokeshire Museums
Statements of Significance
Newport (IoW) Minster
Conservation Management Plan
Museum of Cider
Conservation Management Plan
Tower Colliery, Rhondda
Statement of Significance
Former House of Fraser Department Store, Cardiff
Heritage Impact Statement
“Edward’s Conservation Management Plan is an exceptional piece of work that surpasses my expectations of what a CMP might look like.”
Dr David Marshall, Chairman, Museum of Cider
“Over the years Edward has been relied upon to provide his expertise to a broad range of Prince’s Regeneration Trust heritage projects including Denbigh Hospital, Montagu Monuments and our award-winning Middleport Pottery.”
Ros Kerslake, former Chief Executive The Prince’s Regeneration Trust
“Thank you so much for the report. It is highly comprehensive, with a well-balanced and impartial narrative. It clearly displays a diligent level of research and superior knowledge of the subject matter which I hope appeases the concerns of those who may show an interest in our plans.”
Simon Day, Founder and Creative Director of D3 Events
The first level of Heritage assessment is the Statement of Significance. This is recommended before any work is done on potential changes or new uses. It will set out clearly why a particular place is of significance, which means that it explains why it matters and why it is heritage that should be valued.
Significance can be attributed for a huge diversity of reasons and to heritage of all periods. It may be on account of the quality of the architecture, or the antiquity of the archaeology or the beauty of the landscape setting, or the biodiversity of the place, or the exotic plants in the gardens, or the unique furniture inside or perhaps the important history of the site or people associated with it.
There will be different levels of significance associated with different aspects of a place’s heritage but funders and planning authorities all require it to be understood. It is also good practice to do so as guardians of our heritage.
Holland Heritage is well placed to write Statements of Significance whether they are for buildings, collections, landscapes or places.
This is the next level of Heritage assessment. Whether considering taking on a major conservation project or in the process of submitting a large funding application you will need a Conservation Statement or a Conservation Plan depending on the nature of your project and the stage it is at.
These studies, whenever they are prepared, whatever their content, or whoever writes them, are about setting down the Significance of a place, evaluating how Vulnerable that significance is to change and, from all that, guiding the project in how to make Changes required without unnecessarily damaging the identified significance.
A Conservation Plan is the more detailed of the two and assesses the potential impact of the chosen future uses and recommends management policies that, if adhered to, will ensure the heritage asset is protected.
These specialist reports are required by funders. Firstly this is to reassure them that the heritage and its conservation issues are fully understood and that the proposals are sound and respect that heritage. Secondly these reports are intended to demonstrate that, if funding is awarded, that the heritage will clearly be better off for the foreseeable future.
A Conservation Plan should be a tool by which the project can preserve the best of the past whilst at the same time create the best of the future. Holland Heritage believes they should be living, useful and helpful documents – they should not be written simply to tick a box on an application form and then sit on a shelf gathering dust.
A Heritage Impact Assessment evaluates proposals relating to a heritage asset or its setting to understand if they would cause harm. It can also identify the potential for mitigation to reduce the impact of any harm. A Heritage Impact Assessment including a full understanding of the heritage significance is required for all applications for Listed Building Consent.
A Conservation Area Appraisal is prepared by Local Authorities. They have a statutory duty to periodically review their designated Conservation Areas to ensure that the special historic character is preserved and to consider if the boundary needs amendment. Conservation Area Appraisals are always required in conjunction with applications for Townscape Initiative grants from the Heritage Lottery Fund and they are likely also to be required where urban regeneration funding is being sought.
This study will make a detailed survey of the designated area, understand its character and historical development. It will assess the particular threats to the identified special character and propose ways in which the area can be preserved and enhanced. It will also assess if the boundary to the area is correct or maybe it needs to be widened to include heritage areas that had not previously been valued.
As with individual buildings or sites it is best practice to start any townscape enhancement or regeneration project with an Appraisal so as to fully understand it before changing it.
Holland Heritage is well qualified to write Conservation Area Appraisals.
An Options Appraisal is written when a building needs new uses, often where it is redundant or where its existing uses are not viable. This study would be informed by the Statement of Significance or Conservation Statement as it would need to start with a good understanding of the significance of the place and its condition and its capacity for change. The Options Appraisal would evaluate in detail how the building might be able to be changed without having an unacceptable impact on its significance. From that it would then explain what sort of uses the building could be converted to. The next step of the Options Appraisal is to assess what the needs of the area are and what sort of uses might be economically feasible. The conclusion of the study would identify a range of possible options, with their pros and cons, and would explain which is the preferred option.
Holland Heritage has long-standing experience of advising on adaptive reuse of historic buildings and is well placed to carry out Options Appraisals.
A Condition Survey is needed where the poor condition of a building is putting it at risk of loss of historic character or structural failure. It is also often needed to understand the feasibility of carrying out certain changes which could affect the structural integrity of a building.
Holland Heritage can advise when a specific Condition Survey is needed and can arrange for a suitably qualified professional to carry out the survey.
Some places also have historic collections on which Holland Heritage can advise. These may include important collections of paintings, ceramics or textiles and may also include paper archives, including family letters and photographs. These need specialist care in creating inventories, ensuring the right environmental control, managing the display and handling of the collections and ensuring any necessary conservation work is programmed.
Holland Heritage can facilitate consultation events on heritage assets and can help community groups and Building Preservation Trusts to decide what is best for the place they wish to rescue or enhance. We can capacity-build local groups to support them in delivering heritage projects.
We can also mentor groups in writing Vision Statements, conducting Skills Audits and reviewing their Governance, all important steps in building the right group to deliver the specific heritage project.
Holland Heritage has links with a number of other consultants of differing expertise who together can work on a diverse range of projects to deliver a variety of projects, big and small, covering all aspects of the historic environment.
Please get in touch with any enquiries or questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
Tel: 07786 954027